About Glenda Shouse

Glenda Shouse serves on the advisory, devotion writer, and prayer teams for Song of Solomon Expeditions. She is a devotion writer for VineWords: Devotions and More. She is a contributing author to the devotional series, Love-Knots: Stories of Faith, Family, and Friendships, Volumes One, Two, and Three (VineWords Publishing). Those who know Glenda are aware of her gifting as a prayer warrior. Her prayer shawl ministry, Three-Strand Cord, focuses on imparting hope to ladies going through difficult times. When possible, Glenda delivers her prayer shawls personally. Glenda is published at Answers2Prayer, Christian Devotions Ministries, PresbyCan, The Upper Room, and other ministries. In her spare time, Glenda enjoys her role as “Grammy” to her two grandsons. She enjoys reading, crocheting, and knitting.