Rose Hedgerow
My Beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; and the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.
~Song 2:10-12 NKJV (emphasis added)
Valentine’s Day Hedgerow
“I’m going to plant you a rose hedgerow,” my husband said. “That way, you’ll know every time you drive into our property, that I not only love you on Valentines, but on every day.”
“This is better than a dozen roses…”
“My thoughts exactly, although I’ll get you those, too.”
To this day, as I look at the hedgerow, which continues to grow prettier each year, it reminds me that my husband’s love continues to strengthen over time. Who, but the best husband, would think to plant flowers to demonstrate His love?
And of course, he chose my favorite—the rose.
Beloved’s Hedgerow
Bride of Christ, our Beloved Jesus gives us flowers as well. He gives us a variety of white lilies, the Rose of Sharon—a red, purple, and white lily—and many other flowers.
Our Bridegroom leaps upon the mountains, skips upon the hills, and comes to us, inviting us to draw away with Him. He is like a gazelle or a young stag, ardently in love with His Bride with a divine love that is almost incomprehensible (Song 2:8-9).
What about problems that we may encounter? Beloved has us covered. He announces that the wonder of His love for His Bride negates the harsh winter rains of life. In Him, we have a springtime to celebrate, and His Holy Spirit Dove gives us a song that remains deep within the recesses of our spirit. As we press into Him, resting in His love, we are prepared for anything because He is already there.
All Time Love
Bride of Christ, just like I remember my husband’s love every time I drive onto our property, know that our Beloved Husband, Jesus, wants us to know that His divine love for us is constant. It never changes. But we do—for day by day we realize how deep and rich His love for us truly is.
You, Love, are on your Bridegroom’s heart at all times. His love for you is endless. Press into His divine love, and receive joy in knowing He is thinking about you all the time, and pronouncing blessings upon your life.
In Psalm 139:17-18 NKJV, we read, “How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.” This is the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—thinking about us! How often does God contemplate His love for us? Always. At all times.
It is reassuring to know that when we awake, our Beloved Jesus is already blessing us. We can enter our day knowing that in the spiritual realm, He has planted a rose hedgerow of His divine love.
How does it feel to know your Bridegroom, Jesus, thinks about you at all times?
My Jesus, help me to revel in Your divine love during our prayer times, but also help me to remember that throughout every second of my day, You are still there, loving me through it.
Your Bride,
Genre: Devotion
Copyright 2023: Rose Hedgerow: Diane Virginia Cunio: All Rights Reserved