Milk for my Daughter
As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
~1 Peter 2:2 NKJV
Milk sustained my infant daughter, but since I was going back to work, I needed her to accept formula. She staunchly refused, knowing this substitute was not the real deal.
After two weeks of trying, I handed her off to the babysitter in tears, “If she cries too much, tell me and I’ll return.”
No substitute was good enough for my baby girl. It took several additional weeks for her to tolerate formula, and since she wasn’t gaining weight because she drank so little of it, I started experimenting with foods at the earliest opportunity, hoping these would supplement her growth.
Milk from the Word
Your lips, O my spouse, drip as the honeycomb; honey and milk are under your tongue; and the fragrance of Your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
~Song 4:11 NKJV
My daughter’s inflexibility to settle for a milk substitute reminded me that I was doing the same with my pursuit of Beloved Jesus. I was settling. In the busyness of navigating motherhood, maintaining my career, and pursuing life, I was neglecting what was best—my Jesus. I knew I needed to rectify the situation.
Perhaps you relate. In our pursuit of Jesus, it’s easy to settle for a substitute. Are we content to listen to motivational mini-speeches rather than spending quality time seeking the truth of the Word? Are we satisfied with reading a snippet of our Bibles before whisking off to work at breakneck speed, or do we want to know God well?
I know I was doing all the above, and I had to make a conscious choice to pursue Jesus. I made an appointment with my Pastor and asked him for ideas.
“God will make a way,” Pastor said, “even if it’s an uncommon solution.. Look for the unusual…He will show you.”
As Pastor prayed for me, I knew God truly would answer our prayer.
A week later, I realized my daughter was content if I’d sing and rock her with a blanket over her head, so I’d start there and then open my Bible to fill my own soul with the sustenance from God’s Word that I needed. I determined to hold on to the One I valued most. Had I not done so, I fear I’d have gotten content with substitutes for an honest pursuit to know Jesus.
No Substitutes for Milk and Meat
His eyes are like doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
~Song 5:12 NKJV
Friend, our Bridegroom wants to satisfy us with treasures from His Word. But He must have our full attention in order to do so. He not only has milk; He has meat from the Word as well, that He wants to impart. This takes commitment. But, when we consider Jesus’ sacrifice, our priorities come into perspective.
Be determined to drink the milk of the Word, and watch as your Beloved reveals truth upon truth to your listening soul. Time spent in pursuit of your Bridegroom Jesus Christ is the best activity you can cultivate.
Beloved Jesus’ gaze is glorious. His eyes are washed with milk, fitly set, and glorious to behold. When we spend time in His presence, we just may see Him in our mind’s eye as He washes over us with truth from His Word.
The peace our Savior imparts, and the relationship we cultivate with our Bridegroom-King is the most important pursuit we can have this side of Heaven.
Hold on to Beloved Jesus. Don’t let anything come between you and Him. Be determined to not settle for any substitute.
Are you prioritizing your relationship with Beloved Jesus?
My Beloved Jesus, I choose this day to be satisfied only with the milk and meat of Your Word, and I refuse to settle for any substitute. You are my all-in-all.
Your Bride,
Genre: Devotion
Copyright 2023: Milk: Diane Virginia Cunio: All Rights Reserved