I Am With You
As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you, nor forsake you.
~Joshua 1:5b NKJV
Health Crisis
“I am with you.”
Within my spirit, I heard the message clearly. But I also heard Father God telling me I was about to go through a health crisis. Healing—including the miraculous—was what I’d experienced in the past. Therefore, I objected to the idea of going through any predicament. I wasn’t even sure if I was hearing Father’s voice.
A few days later, a large lump rose up on a lymph node in my neck. But it didn’t end there. Three more lumps started to develop and the initial lump began to strangulate me as it quickly grew. For six weeks, medical professionals chased down what presented as an infection, while the antibiotics caused me to develop a peptic ulcer.
I was in the throes of the health crisis my Heavenly Father had told me about.
God’s Promise to be Present
Resonating within my spirit was my Father’s promise. The words, “I am with you,” would carry me through as I navigated the worst health challenge I’d ever experienced.
- As I was rolled into surgery for removal of the golf-ball sized tumor, I remembered Abba’s words, “I am with you.”
- As I heard the words, “The surgeon removed a large, aggressive, B-cell lymphoma,” I tempered this knowledge with God’s promise.
- When my heart raced unchecked at the onset of the first chemo treatment, and I was rushed to the emergency room for a heart restart, I thanked God for the Christian nurse who prayed the targeted intercession I needed. Thus, restarting my heart was not necessary.
- As I navigated my way through chemo treatments that would leave me very sick, I remembered Abba’s words, “I am with you.”
- As I watched dedicated leaders direct the ministries I’d founded, I knew that “I am with you,” included these divinely chosen leaders.
- As family cared for me while I rested—and often slept—I remembered Papa’s words, “I am with you.” My husband coined the phrase, “I cooked,” as he brought home fast food.
Ringing the Bell
Four short months into my chemo treatments, my PA and oncologist shared the words, “You are in remission, and if it keeps going this way for two years, we will be able to declare that you are cured.” I was shocked! My healing had come so quickly!
God’s words resonated within my spirit as I rang the victory bell in the cancer center that day. I rang it loudly because I wanted every patient to know that with God’s empowerment, they could make it, too.
Surely Papa had been with me, and He still is. Through the most difficult journey of my life, my God had been faithful to His promise. What satan had meant to destroy my very life had instead become a testimony of God’s sustaining power.
My Confidence
I am more confident in God because of this trial. I am also more thankful for everyday blessings, like head hair, eyelashes and nose hairs, energy, family, doggie breath, sunshine, and my husband’s many sacrifices.
Not only am I certain that Father God is with me, He sent my Bridegroom Jesus to be with me also. And so I say to Him, “A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts” (Song of Solomon 1:13 KJV). Not only in the good times, but in the challenging times, my Jesus was there! Holy Spirit was also there, giving me the strength I often needed, refreshing me when I’d grow weary.
Unasked Question
I could have spent time questioning Father God why I wasn’t spared. After all, Jesus is the Author of miracles, so why did my Father not spare me from life’s woes? I staunchly refused to ask this question. When Job asked, this did not invoke God’s favor. Instead, the Lord retorted with, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me if you have understanding (Job 38:4 NKJV).”
I knew not to ask. Rather, I chose, and I still choose to be thankful that Father God kept His promise to be with me through the entire trial. I trust that He is supreme, and He knows the bigger picture that may not be revealed to me this side of Heaven.
Trust God, the Great I AM
Bride of Christ, let the words, “I am with you,” sink into your spirit. Our God is no respecter of persons. What He did for me, He is willing to do for you.
When we face a crisis, either with our health or in any other area of our lives, we can rest in Father God’s unwavering promise to carry us through. He never leaves nor forsakes His children. Instead, He is the constant we can depend on.
Rest assured, the Great I AM is sufficient to see you through to victory.
Do you trust God with every day, even when it’s challenging?
Father God, thank You for Your promise to be with me no matter the challenge I may encounter. Thank You for my Bridegroom Jesus who paid sin’s price so that divine peace can be my possession. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who strengthens me, and shows me the truth of Your Word. Abba Father, I know You are the Great I AM who will see me through to victory.
Your Daughter,
Genre: Devotion
Copyright 2023: I Am With You: Diane Virginia Cunio: All Rights Reserved