Breakfast of Champions
Morning Morsels
Every morning, I prepare a breakfast of champions for our three dogs. I rotate feeding them morsels from a designated doggie fork.
Our senior pooch looks forward to breakfast time the most, so she stomps her feet to make sure I notice her. Our youngest gal takes each morsel with gusto, and our youngest male snorts between bites.
Morsels from God’s Word
While reflecting on my fur babies’ morning antics, I thought about how much God cares for me. I, too, need a breakfast of champions, and I can have that by feasting on His Word. I read promise after promise as I digest these savory morsels.
Psalm 37:3 KJV reads, “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.” This encourages me to trust Him with every need. After all, He sent my Bridegroom Jesus, so I know Father God’s love is deep.
Sometimes, though, I wonder if I am trusting Beloved enough to receive the messages He says about me, like “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20 NKJV). or, that His good thoughts toward me outnumber the grains of sand on the beach (Psalm 139:17-18), or the twenty-six times He reminds me of His enduring love (Psalm 136).
I find myself thinking, Are You calling my name, Lord? Are these good promises truly applicable to me? I try to trust Him, but when problems spill like cornflakes hitting the kitchen floor and I’m scrambling to pick up the crumbs, I wonder if Beloved’s blessings really are for me, or if I’m a lost cause.
I know I shouldn’t think this way, but the reality is sometimes doubts do creep in.
My Champion Breakfast
As I fixed coffee one morning, I decided it was time I had a breakfast fit for a champion, and that I would choose to receive it. I selected one verse, and nibbled on it all day. The verse was, “Delight yourself also in the LORD; and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 KJV). I digested this word slowly and allowed my Bridegroom’s goodness to seep into every cell of my being. I meditated on this truth until I could no longer doubt it was true–and that it was for me.
By the end of the day, I was ready for another morsel, so I digested the next verse, and the next… On and on I nibbled, for days in a row, eating the Word of God as a champion’s breakfast that I believed He had personally prepared for me. After all, if I feed my dogs a champion’s breakfast because of my love for them, how much more must the Lord feed me?
I Am Beloved’s Bride
Not only does Father God love me, He has commissioned me to be the Bride of Christ, and I have said “yes” to my Beloved’s marriage proposal. That’s love! Father God prepares for us a table, and Beloved invites us to dine with Him. As His Bride, we say, “He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love” (Song 2:4 NKJV).
There is joy at this banqueting table, and Father God wants it that way. So we can choose to enjoy feasting!
Prepare to Dine at the Banqueting Table
Love, are you ready to dine at the Lord’s banqueting table, knowing God’s good promises apply to you? This table is filled with juicy morsels Father God has made especially for you. So, pull up a comfy chair, scooch up to the table, and dine. Why? You, my friend, are God’s champion.
What morsels from God’s Word are you presently dining on?
Lord Jesus, I choose to receive every morsel You have prepared for me as I feast from the banqueting table of the Word.
Your Bride,
Genre: Devotion
Copyright 2019, Revised 2023: Breakfast of Champions: Diane Virginia Cunio: All Rights Reserved
Published, 2019 version: Christian Broadcasting Network: Beth Patch, Senior Producer: 1K+ Shares