A Picture of Love
A Picture of Love
Yes, He is altogether lovely. This is my Beloved, and this is my friend…
~Song 5:16a NKJV
How do you draw a picture of Love?
How do you paint afresh the agony of the Cross?
With gentle strokes of tenderness as His grace beckons us closer.
There to wash pure white the canvas of our soul.
Then on that clean canvas He paints layer by layer the beauty of His love.
The picture of love is our Savior’s face as He reveals it to us.
How do you see the Master’s face?
I’ll show you the way, look up at the sky and count the stars,
then out over the wide countryside.
Look down from majestic mountain top,
look into the face of a newborn child.
There you will see the Master’s face.
Genre: Poetry
Copyright 2019: A Picture of Love: Glenda Shouse: All Rights Reserved